You have to actually believe that you can listen to, hear and respond to your body. You have to believe that you can lose weight without pills, powders, potions, patches or any diet plans or programs.
Quick fixes that promise easy, effortless and instant weight loss! Who doesn't want that?
But here's the thing - we already have withing us all the tools for all natural weight loss. These 'tools' are our birthright-- we were born with them. And while they've been buried under loads of cultural nonsense, they're all still there waiting to be re-discovered.
All Natural Weight Loss and Eating
At every seminar or workshop I give, I ask women this question: "How many of your could overfeed your breastfed babies?" And, in years of presenting all over the world, I've never found a person who says they were able to. You know why? We are born with an inbuilt monitor - we didn't have to try and control our portion size - we instinctively did that. We knew when we were hungry and we knew when to stop eating.
But that innate ability becomes eroded. You know all those food games that involve coaxing, bribing or games like "open wide and let's park cars"? Well children don't necessarily want the extra food - they love the game or the attention. Or you know how you get rewarded for doing well with a chocolate or are given a cookie when you fall down and scrape a knee?
If we all still maintained our ability to stop eating when we'd had enough, my guesses are we'd have a lot fewer problems!
All Natural Weight Loss and Exercising
Guess what - when we were little we didn't now how NOT to be active, and even in the womb we were seldom still. As a child being active wasn't a bore and a chore.
Well that too has become eroded. Important role models don't play - they drive cars, take escalators instead of stairs and moan about how much they hate exercising. And often we get into trouble for being too active (or put onto medication) and praised when we sat still and play quietly. We learnt that being too active is 'bad'.
Imagine if we never lost our sense of enjoyment and fun in being active - how would that impact on obesity levels around the world?
All Natural Weight Loss and Passion
When we were little we were curious and enthusiastic about life. But over time, busy adults didn't join in our wondrous enthusiasm for small things, or they might have laughed off our passions, and so we learnt to curb our enthusiasm.
So now, as adults many of us live busy lives, but 'busy' doesn't always equate to passion. Far too often it just means we're rushing from one place to another, just trying to fit eveything we have to get done into our day. It's no wonder that so many of us feel as if our lives are hollow and empty... and then try to fill that emptiness with food. But when our lives feel full from the inside, we don't need to try and fill ourselves from the outside.
All Natural Weight Loss
All natural weight loss revolves around being body-wise and lose weight by eating according to you bodily needs.
Natural weight loss is attainable and achievable once you know how. But there's a challenge to this: you have to actually believe that you can listen to, hear and respond to your body. You have to believe that you can lose weight without pills, powders, potions, patches or any diet plans or programs.
Quick fixes that promise easy, effortless and instant weight loss! Who doesn't want that?
But here's the thing - we already have withing us all the tools for all natural weight loss. These 'tools' are our birthright-- we were born with them. And while they've been buried under loads of cultural nonsense, they're all still there waiting to be re-discovered.
All Natural Weight Loss and Eating
At every seminar or workshop I give, I ask women this question: "How many of your could overfeed your breastfed babies?" And, in years of presenting all over the world, I've never found a person who says they were able to. You know why? We are born with an inbuilt monitor - we didn't have to try and control our portion size - we instinctively did that. We knew when we were hungry and we knew when to stop eating.
But that innate ability becomes eroded. You know all those food games that involve coaxing, bribing or games like "open wide and let's park cars"? Well children don't necessarily want the extra food - they love the game or the attention. Or you know how you get rewarded for doing well with a chocolate or are given a cookie when you fall down and scrape a knee?
If we all still maintained our ability to stop eating when we'd had enough, my guesses are we'd have a lot fewer problems!
All Natural Weight Loss and Exercising
Guess what - when we were little we didn't now how NOT to be active, and even in the womb we were seldom still. As a child being active wasn't a bore and a chore.
Well that too has become eroded. Important role models don't play - they drive cars, take escalators instead of stairs and moan about how much they hate exercising. And often we get into trouble for being too active (or put onto medication) and praised when we sat still and play quietly. We learnt that being too active is 'bad'.
Imagine if we never lost our sense of enjoyment and fun in being active - how would that impact on obesity levels around the world?
All Natural Weight Loss and Passion
When we were little we were curious and enthusiastic about life. But over time, busy adults didn't join in our wondrous enthusiasm for small things, or they might have laughed off our passions, and so we learnt to curb our enthusiasm.
So now, as adults many of us live busy lives, but 'busy' doesn't always equate to passion. Far too often it just means we're rushing from one place to another, just trying to fit everything we have to get done into our day. It's no wonder that so many of us feel as if our lives are hollow and empty... and then try to fill that emptiness with food. But when our lives feel full from the inside, we don't need to try and fill ourselves from the outside.
The natural weight loss approach includes having a life that is full of passion and purpose.
Cari Corbet-Owen, Clinical Psychologist and author of 'The Joy-Filled Body' and 'Mind over Fatter.' Visit for free 'Joy-Filled Body' tips, eating disorder quizzes, fat calculators and much more. For much more detail on losing weight naturally go to:
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