Why is Meditation surrounded by such mystery?
Back many years ago I was someone who was asking the question: How do you meditate? I looked it up in the dictionary with no satisfaction. No one I knew could define meditation. So, I sat down in lotus position one evening, closed my eyes, sat and waited for some miraculous event to happen. Nothing. The only sensation that took place, my mind was so out of control while it chattered mindlessly without a point. I breathed deeply, got relaxed, but my mind just would not stop. This continued on day after day after day and you would think I would give up the ship. NO... Not me! I was determined to breakthrough the barrier that stood in my way of quieting these thoughts. Logic told me when the mind calmed and focused that would the moment mediation would start.
In the course of my exploration I had a revelation, when one lets go of trying to control, everything to falls into place. The day arrived, my thoughts shut down as I focused on breathing and became aware of one word "Love". What happened? My body stilled, my mind focused and my breathing became shallow, quite, and in harmony with my purpose, meditating. What a feeling. I was hooked on the adventure of meditation and had only just begun the journey into self. So, what is mediation?
It is a process of letting the mind and body go, as you visit the realm of self-discovery leading to self-transformation and finally exposure to the parallel universe that exists within us all. With meditation you, me, everyone has the ability to access their inner truth, who we really are, and what we are here to accomplish. All you have to do is believe what you already know and through the understanding and acceptance of self we can tap the ancient wisdom we were meant to have and to hold. Mediation is a healer of stress, insomnia, anger, physical health issues, and mental awareness lending the body, mind, and soul toward spiritual identity. It does not require any props, strenuous poses, or complex systems. Meditation is a relationship to self, breeding an understanding and communication to your life purpose and reason. It is amazing how the benefits of meditation can heal destructible behavior problems, when practiced on a consistent basis. Actually, what is meditation but how one lives their daily life. A question such as this can only be answered by each individual through their experience of knowing thy inner self with an intimacy far beyond what the mind can define.
For the individual who wants to learn a simple process of alleviating the pressures of everyday life, to lift a heaviness that has planted itself in the physical body, or to find answers to questions to resolve issues and situations in life, all that is required would be to sit quietly, allow the mind to wander until it is ready to quiet and focus on what it is you need to know. The answers will come in a very short time how to handle and resolve that which you desire to bring to resolution. But for those who want to take meditation to a far more in-depth level beyond physical awareness it becomes a personal journey to spiritual enlightenment.
My own personal experience moved me beyond my physical presence. Here I will relate one of the experiences. As a meditative self-learner this did not happen over night and crept upon me without notice, I guess it was time to reap the fruits of my intentions. I began by positioning my body in lotus style (not a requirement) and with my thumb and index finger pressed together, hands resting on my knees I breathed in and out slowly focusing on the word Love. When my mind stilled and breathing became close to inaudible my physical body fell away at least from any awareness of its presence. All I could sense was surrounding light, an incredible peaceful silence with only consciousness of breathing in and breathing out with the Universe. I felt so connected to all that exists and oneness with everything, there was no feeling of disconnection that is present in everyday life. When I did transport back to the present, I carried the essences of this journey inside. Do you have a desire to experience fantastic changes through the art of meditation?
If you want to learn more there is a reference guide to help you get started, answering the common questions, explaining clearly how meditation works, and what you can expect through a very simple technique. I only wish this reference was attainable when I first began my journey. So, close your eyes, open your mind, and begin your path to inner reflection. There is no mystery, all is found within!
I hope you found this information informative and helpful. It is meant to give an alternative, holistic, method of healing, change, and insight.
Life is a meditation!
By Dale Marilyn More Information: http://www.squidoo.com/mysterymeditation
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