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Friday, 17 April 2009
Simple Tips to Have Mega Orgasms For Men and Women
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Paint Markers For Auto Dealers, Body Shops and Parts Suppliers
Paint markers automotive repair and automotive retail industries.
Windshield paint markers up to 1 1/2" in width were developed as a convenient delivery system. Markers are easier to use and create less mess than brush and bottles applicators. They are also less expensive than the popular vinyl letters which can cost up to 25 cents per letter as compared to 3 cents per letter with paint markers. Tips are acrylic and initially take a few minutes for the paint to wick down and load the tip. Once loaded, they are ready to use at a moments notice. The paints are acrylic, water based paint with UV resistant additives and specifically designed to be rain resistant yet come off easily with mild cleaners or a razor blade. The paint also will not "ghost" windshields. Originally develops as Poster Paint markers, windshield paints are available from manufacturers such as Posca, Artline, and Sharpie.
Body panel markers have become popular with insurance adjusters and collision shop estimators as a means of identifying damage and customer information on body panels and windshields. Similar in characteristics to the windshield markers: panel markers are resistant to water yet removable with most mild cleaners. Tips are available in medium tip (5mm), broad tip (8mm to 12mm) and broad tip (17mm to 20mm) and up to nine colors. The most popular colors being fluorescent orange, green, and yellow. Popular brand names include Posca, Autowriter, and Artline.
Permanent paint markers for permanent marking of parts are used in place of tags and labels and available in felt tip for smooth metal surfaces, solid paint markers for wet surfaces, and steel tip markers for rough surfaces. Permanent markers use oil based enamel paint that have the ability to mark on oily surfaces and resist weathering. Popular brands of industrial permanent paint markers are Dykem, Markal, Unipaint, and Artline.
Larry Bly is the founder of and has over twenty years experience in paint markers.
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Some Nice Tips on Gay Flirting
Flirting is fun for everyone and the gay community has not been left behind. Just like in any relationship where by it starts off with flirting, most gay relationships also start this way. There are various ways that you can flirt and get someone who is interested in you to flirt with you. Compliments have always worked and if you used them correctly, they will not let you down. If you see something in the person you like throw a compliment his way. It could be about his smile, the way he is dressed, anything. Just make sure you get it right and you do not go complimenting him on something that is definitely not good, if he does not have a good sense of humor, you will end up with a black eye and gay flirting will not have worked for you.
Hold the person's eyes when gay flirting. The eyes always communicate more, they tell the person that you are since. A simple look at the person will mean that you like them and it could also be a welcome. Tell the person you have taken a liking to that you do by flirting with them with the eyes. This is how you should do it, look at the person longer than you would, make sure you are looking at his eyes, and then slowly move to any other part of the body when you are sure that you have got his attention. This way, he will know for sure that you like them and you would like to get to know them better or that you would like to be in a relationship with them.
When talking to the person and you intend to flirt with him, whisper to him. Tell the person anything in a whisper. This way you will capture his attention more than you would if you talked to him in a leveled voice. When gay flirting match the tone of your voice to his or try to mimic the person you are talking to. That is, try to talk like the person who is talking to you. This way, you will make the person feel like you admire them. We all do that, try to imitate the person we admire and love, we will talk like them and even sometimes walk like them.
Do not ever try to make any sexual advances on your first day of gay flirting. If you have been flirting for a while it is okay to do that but if you have never met before any sexual advance you make will not be welcomed. Do not try it at all. Flirt with everything else you got and using any skill that have acquired or you were born with because flirting is just one of those things that human beings were born with but what ever you do keep any sexual advances to yourself. Go ahead and flirt today, get yourself that person you have been admiring for ages or that person you just saw across the room that you have suddenly felt something special on him. Do not be shy, however do not also be cocky it will not do you any good.
Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Gay Flirting Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Gay Flirting
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Lower Golf Scores Through Better Putting
Once you put your body in the proper position you will realize how easy it is to improve your putting stroke and lower your scores. When standing behind your ball lining up your put you don't stand to the left or the right of the ball, you stand directly behind the ball to get a good read. Same holds true for setting up to make a put. You must have your eyes directly over the ball to get the right read on the line.
Try this drill to get your body in the proper position to make a natural stroke. Set up to your ball and imagine a string hanging from your nose to the ground. Where the string touches the ground is where the ball should be. Your arms should hang naturally, and your hands should be between that string and your body.
Now make sure your weight is resting on your legs, freeing up the tension in your upper body allowing you to make a comfortable stroke. Concentrate on keeping your eyes locked on the ball, your head perfectly still, and rock your shoulders back and forth to control your stroke. Once you put your body in the proper positions you should feel how much easier it is to make a natural stroke and only think about the speed of the put instead of 50 other swing thoughts that will distract you.
The putting stroke by far is the easiest way to lower your scores, so get your eyes over the ball, hands hanging naturally close to your body, your head still, and start sinking more puts.
For more tips, and great prices on new and used Golf clubs and supplies visit
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Tuesday, 14 April 2009
10 Tips For Better Communication
We all know that being uncomfortable speaking in groups, or for that matter being uncomfortable speaking to anyone at all is never a good feeling. It can make the working day go by so much worse and make you dread and stress times when you will need to use your communication skills.
Here are just a few ways for you to improve your communication skills, just by knowing they person closest to you: yourself.
1. Talk about what you know
Have you been to a seminar? Taught a class? Are you a subject matter expert? Finding something which you can easily relate to and pick from your mind will make the conversations so much easier for you to form and deliver.
2. Listen to what others say
Listen carefully to what others are saying so that when replying their questions, you can refer back to what they asked earlier. This shows that you are paying attention and gives you communication more credibility. Listening to your own voice can also help as it gives us confidence and helps us deliver messages with more conviction
3. Don't be afraid of making a mistake
We all make mistakes when we talk, whether it be not knowing the meaning of a word, or even how to pronounce it. Rather than repeatedly say a word the wrong way, ask the group if you're actually saying it properly. This way, they'll loosen up and you won't seem foolish for repeating a word you don't know over and over.
4. Make a joke
Adding a little bit of humor in your talks can make the audience feel less uneasy, making you feel less uneasy. Let's face it, it's so easy to fall asleep in a meeting, but if someone makes a joke, those on the brink may wake up and pay attention.
5. Maintain eye contact
For those falling asleep as mentioned above, keeping eye contact with the audience will prevent them from dozing off because they feel like they're being watched. You say alot when maintaining eye contact, making the meeting feel one on one with each person in the group, even if it's a very large one. But don't keep staring at the same person because they are really good looking.
6. Rapport
Rapport is the act of mimicking body language. Use this to your advantage and mingle with other people, you'll get lots of ideas about things to talk about as well as meeting alot of new people.
7. Practice, practice, practice
Singing or practicing your speeches or even general conversation in the mirror can always be a great way of improving your communication skills. You'll get used to hearing your own voice, as well as commit a lot of what you planned to say to memory. This makes it easier to recall later when you are actually giving your presentation or discussion.
8. Smile
Keeping a smile on puts the audience at ease. Frowning or slouching in a gathering will only spread the negative mood that you are feeling to the rest of the group. Keeping a happy emotion on your face will keep the mood up and positive.
9. Copy good speakers
You've probably seen people talk before right? A celebrity, a presidential candidate, a minister. See how they give their speech and use that to learn or even repeat in your own speeches.
10. Know what you are talking about
Don't go into a meeting unprepared. Some people use index cards, some people write things on their hands. Whatever works for you, just make sure you are mentally prepared for your meeting and don't do it last minute before rushing in.
Practice these 10 things and your stress levels in discussions, meeting and presentations will slowly drop, help you keep a confident and positive stance throughout.
William Lee is a marketing executive from a large multinational corporation. He deals with stress at work every day and shares his tips on how he manages to calm down and relax.
Visit his blog for tips, advice and resources on stress management at the workplace.
This article is copyrighted, all rights reserved, and it may be used only if kept entirely intact with the author's name and URL.
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Monday, 13 April 2009
Tips For Car Rust Treatment
Cars are now a days very expensive. Even some of them cost much more than the salary of an average American. Most Americans buy car on car loan scheme. They have to pay the money in installments for 60 or 72 months. The interest rate is very high for this e.m.i. thus the owner has to pay heavy amount in installments.
Since we are paying heavy amount for the car then its our duty to protect them as long as possible. Foremost problem that the car suffers is the problem of rust. Either you have to prevent it or use rust products to remove rust from the body of the car.
If you say in medical terms then you can say that rust is like cancer for the car. It becomes worst when gets started and slowly spreads to entire body. The body of the car is made of metal sheet and we all know that metals are prone to get rusted. Rust is seen in areas like extreme weather, moisture or road side salt used in the winter climate.
There are various ways to have treatment against rust and it can be cured if proper care is taken.
Though the vehicle sheet metal is covered with thin coat of primer paint but this is not enough. Roadside dirt, debris or even hail is enough to damage this thin coat. Even the small scratch on the body will make the body naked to the environment. Then moisture, salt of the atmosphere will come in contact with the naked part of the metal body. Oxidation of the metal will start. This chemical reaction on the metal is known as rust. In Chemistry rust is nothing less than simply loss of electron for which the metal gets weak which helps more in rusting.
It is always recommended that you should clean and wax the car in every two week. Carefully observe the body parts of the car from where rust can start. Look for the scratches, nicks and dings which caused some naked part in the body of the paint. Take special care for this part so that rust can't be started in this area. Cover these naked parts and seal them so that moisture can't come in contact with the metal body. Touch up paint is best suitable for this situation. Chose the best suitable touch up paint which matches your car color and use it over the affected area. These can act as effective rust treatment for the car. As first-aid you can also use nail polish. In small scratch area toothpick is always a better option than included brush for the touch up paint.
Most important thing is for rust treatments always go to an automotive dealer. The way they will give treatment to the car rust is not comparable with the way you will treat the car rust at home. Their treatment will always be better. They can give you the best color matches with the car color. So the exact paint will again give the car new look.
These will definitely seal out the naked part and prevent the moisture to come in contact with the body part thus keeping the car body rust free.
Click on the link to know about how to keep your car rust free with car rust remover and other rusts products.
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Important Tips When Buying a Triathlon Bike
When thinking about buying a triathlon bike you need to know where to start. Whether you are a seasoned tri-athlete or a complete newbie knowing what to look for is going to be one of the main keys in your success. No matter what your goals are you must have the right tools in order to compete and succeed in any walk of life, especially a triathlon.
Making that decision in your mind to conquer a Triathlon is only the very first step in your journey. You will now need to start looking at all the necessary equipment that you will need in order to compete. You will need to compile a complete training plan and start researching all the Triathlon events in your local and surrounding areas. My suggestion is to join a local Triathlon club, this is a great way to train and gain knowledge from your peers. Once you have done most of your research on training and clubs you will definitely need to think about your triathlon bike. Your bike besides your own body will be the most important part of your success.
Bikes can range from very expensive to some that are cheep in price and quality. Most people who start triathlons immediately go out and buy a bike from a store who only wants to sell them the most expensive bike in the shop. A great source for purchasing your triathlon bike is to research some used bikes that have been tested and you know the brands are quality. Many people who start out are so excited about getting into this sport, that they go and buy the best / most expensive bike they can find because they think that's what will help them to compete and do great in the race, an expensive bike that they were sold.
The reality is a great portion of these people because of work schedule or lack of true motivation often hang there bikes up after only a race or two. They decide only months later to sell there bikes to minimize there loss. That is why as a consumer who thinks about used triathlon bike can get incredible steel. You can find top brands rarely used for a fraction of the cost. These bikes have seen very little road time and are usually in great shape. You can find great deals on used triathlon bikes at
Triathlons are an extreme challenge and having the right equipment is going to help your quest to compete and succeed.
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Body Language Secrets - Read What The Female Is Really Telling You
If you've seen the famous movie "what women want" starring Mel Gibson and wished you had some sort of superpower that would enable you to read women's minds, then let me tell you that you don't need to be involved in any freak accident like Mel Gibson in the movie to be able to tell what a women wants.
Knowing what's on a woman's mind is about as easy as reading and understanding subtle body language clues sent by women to the men they are attracted to. In fact, no women will come outright and tell you she likes you, but will expect you to take the first step based on her body language signals. In such situations, women generally prefer men who see them as a sexual being and who are confident of their own sexuality.
Perhaps the biggest advantage in being able to read the female body language is that you can avoid rejection. To put it simply, being rejected by a pretty girl can do major damage to your self confidence and the best way to avoid being rejected is being able to tell if the lady is interested in you or not to begin with.
This is possible because women are equipped to read a man's body language and can tell very early whether a man is worth getting to know at all. This is why it's important to display self confidence and a positive attitude when meeting women.
So if a girl likes you she will show it through several body language signals and the more the body signals the better since no one body signal is a reliable indicator of attraction as opposed to multiple groups of signals.
Here are some of the body language cues women will send your way when interested:
1. Hair Toss: One of the first signs a woman will send your way when interested is the hair toss. The hair toss is that body language signal where a woman will play with, caress or touch her hair while talking to you.
2. Right Direction: You can tell if a woman is interested in you by the way she sits. If she sits with her crotch directed straight at you, then it's probably a good sign that she wants to do more than just talk with you.
3. The Touch: If a woman tends to touch you, leans into you and moves closer during the course of the conversation then that is definitely another reliable sign that she's interested in you.
4. Eye Contact: If you find that the woman is intent on making strong eye contact with you with those come-to-bedroom eyes then you know she wants you.
5. Staying Abreast: If you see that the lady you are interacting with is showing more of her breasts to you in some way, like putting her arm under them to enhance her cleavage while leaning into you then that's another great indicator that she's definitely interested in you.
6. Licking and Liking: If a girl licks her lips, tilts her head and smiles a lot while talking to you then that's another strong sign that she is attracted to you.
So the next time you are in conversation with a woman have fun checking out the body language signals they send your way.
John Lim Cher Sern, "The Dating Artist," brings you his direct experience from the front line. He has coached 37 men and guided them in dating a total of 198 women in 3 years. Visit to read his insights and double your dating success
Learn how to read and understand the female body language
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Body Acne During Menopause
Despite what many people think, acne can strike anyone at any time in their lives, whether it is a new born baby or an eighty year old man or woman. Acne doesn't have any criteria which is discriminates on and it's important to know your facts and be prepared in case it ever launches a sneak attack on you. Most people around the world have been touched by acne to some degree at some point in their lives. The symptoms can be very frustrating to deal with and also socially awkward, especially for teenagers. Body acne during menopause is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed by because many people who are going through menopause experience problems with acne as well, it's a natural part of life.
Even though most women will not easily accept acne as a part of going into menopause, it's still very important to know how to deal with it. If you leave any type of acne untreated, you can develop scars on your skin later in life that can be nearly impossible to remove. So it's best to just start treatment as soon as possible and get to a dermatologist. You may have not seen one since you were a teenager, but it's just as important to do it now as it was then. They are professional doctors who can give you a good idea of what you need to do in order to take care of your skin as well as what type of acne you have.
There are many different kinds of acne, including acne vulgaris and cystic acne as well as nodular acne. Acne vulgaris is considered to be the most common type of acne because it occurs mostly among teenagers and pregnant women and is generally pretty easy to treat. Cystic acne however is not the same as acne vulgaris and is considered to be one of the hardest types of acne to treat because of how stubborn it can be to get rid of and how resistant to typical medication it tends to be. Whichever type you have, it's still very important to take care of your skin.
Despite the great things people say about some acne products, I have found that most acne treatments simply did not work for me.
But after years of struggling to get rid of my acne, I finally found something that was able to almost completely cure my acne in less than a week.
=> Click here to read my acne story <=
Seriously, stop wasting time and money on treatments that just don't work. It's not worth it!
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The Benefits of Exercise and Tips For Daily Living!
When you ask most people if they exercise they will probably respond that they do not like to exercise or do not have the time.
Think of exercise as continuous body movement for a given period of time, thinking of it in that way should change your attitude. Our body was not created to be a couch potato.
When our body moves certain chemical reactions occur. By exercising your small blood vessels (capillaries) will widen to deliver more oxygen to your muscles and carry away waste products, such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid. Your body releases endorphins, natural painkillers that promote an increased sense of well-being. Who would not like to feel great and have an increased sense of well-being?
The cells in our body are constantly renewing themselves. When we are sedentary fewer cells grow but when we exercise and are active we increase the amount of new cells. This new cell growth helps us look and feel younger. Have you every noticed the difference between one person that does not exercise how much older they look and another person who is active and how much younger they look? Which person would you rather be the inactive older looking person or the active younger looking one? It is totally up to you.
When you are stressed what better way to feel good and relieve your stress than take a walk? Walking creates body movement. It can also give you time to think and work out any problems. Try walking as a family, walk your dog, listen to tapes or music or just walk to help you get away from the daily grind.
Walking quickly increases your heart rate, promotes deeper breathing and helps bring more oxygen to your blood. Your capillaries now go into action and all of a sudden your stress starts to disappear. Walking fast helps burn fat, promotes weight loss and helps get you in to shape.
Exercise or body movement also helps reduce high blood pressure, fight heart disease, diabetes, lowers cholesterol and a wide variety of other medical problems.
If you would like to lose weight and keep it off permanently then activity has to become part of your daily life. 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week should be your minimum goal. If time is at a premium always walk fast, park the car at the other end of the parking lot and walk fast to the building pretending it is pouring rain, carry heavy grocery bags to the car and into the house, walk up the stairs instead of standing on the escalator or taking an elevator.
There are numerous ways to get your body moving I am sure that you can find many other ways throughout your day. If you have the desire you will find the time.
I think one of the most important benefits of exercise is remaining self-reliant as we age. If you do not want to be dependent upon other people to help you then strengthening your muscles is also very important. Lifting packages, getting out of the car are daily activities that we think nothing about until we can not do them anymore.
Strengthening your lower body muscles is as easy as sitting and standing without holding on to anything for support. Hold your arms out in front of you for balance. This method alone will increase your lower body muscles including your stomach, thighs, lower back, buttocks and calves.
If you are interested in a good quality of life now and as you age you must keep yourself fit.
Susan L. Jakers has lost weight and kept it off permanently for over 20 years. She had her own consulting business in New York under the name of Mind and Body Management. She currently coaches people who are interested in self-improvement. As a Health and Wellness Advisor and Life Coach her clients are interested in numerous areas of self-improvement such as permanent weight loss and stress reduction. She helps people on their road to well-being. Susan is offering an introductory complimentary consultation. For further information and to sign up for Free Weekly Tips please visit her website
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Sunday, 12 April 2009
Arthritis Treatments - 5 Tips For Winter Survival
Arthritis treatment: 5 tips for cold weather survival
1. sufficient rest after exercise
2. keep affected areas under wraps
3. plenty of fluids to flush out toxins
4. supplement for arthritis
5. healthy arthritis diet
Now that I have listed the top 5 arthritis treatment tips for cold weather survival let us work in reverse order.
Healthy Arthritis Diet
Arthritis can be a hereditary thing. However, in our country what we eat plays a large role in how our body will respond to certain attacks from outsiders. Because of our lifestyles we can become extremely susceptible to arthritis.
Cold weather and arthritis do not go hand in hand. Foods we eat or don't eat can play a critical role in how our body will repair itself and fight off arthritis.
These foods should be included on a daily basis for a healthy arthritis diet.
1. fruits
2 vegetables
3. cold water fish
4. unsalted nuts and seeds
5. grains and pulses
Arthritis Supplements
Supplementation with products the target certain areas of rheumatoid arthritis, gout and even osteoarthritis can greatly influence your pain levels. There are key ingredients you should look for in any good arthritis supplement product.
1. Boron
2. MSM
3. Glucosamine
4. Condroitin
5. Devil's Claw
6. Bromelain
7. Boswellia Serrata Extract
Fluids Flush Out Toxins
In the winter months our water intake usually suffers unless we are consciously thinking about it. Our body is made up of 90% water and we need to make sure and keep those levels up. When we become dehydrated bad things can happen. Therefor any good arthritis treatment strategy will include plenty of liquids including water and juice. Flushing out the toxins as they develop can eliminate pain in your effected arthritic joints.
Keep Arthritic Joints Warm
As the temperatures drop arthritis has a tendency to flair up. I am the worst when it comes to wearing pants or sweats because I love to wear short pants. In the winter my knees will begin to ache so badly that I have troubles sleeping. What I fail to realize is the fact that warm joints are happy joints.
To assimilate warm weather I need to keep my knees covered with pants, sweats or even neoprene knee wraps. If I can keep that joint warm, then the effects of cold weather and arthritis stay in check.
Arthritis Exercises and Rest
Arthritis exercises do plenty of good things for your body. From a health standpoint anyone who is overweight needs to shed pounds off their body which lowers the stress on the joints. Knees and ankles bear the brunt of your unwillingness to keep your weight under check. Any kind of exercise that increases your heart rate will greatly help your arthritis pain not to mention the function of your heart.
When you can increase your heart rate, it will also increase the blood flow in your body. Any type of exercise that increases blood flow without hurting your arthritic joints must be maintained in the winter months. Just like water, the blood can flush out toxins, bring much needed oxygenated blood to the joints and help decrease inflammation providing the effected joint is not being used.
If you find yourself in a lot of pain after exercise don't be afraid to ice down the effected area. The ice might dull the pain and with plenty
of rest you should recover nicely. However if you experience a lot of pain from a certain type of exercise, try something different. Remember the key here is to get your blood flowing rapidly for an extended period of time. Do whatever it takes to get your blood flowing.
Also, make sure you get plenty of rest each and every day. I know in our fast paced world, it is hard to stop moving but if you don't get rest your body will make sure you rest up and usually when your body tells you to get more rest there is a consequence associated with it.
These arthritis treatment tips for cold weather have proven themselves for me and many of my friends who also suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. Give them a try and see how much your body responds and watch your confidence level increase to levels you have not seen since before you had arthritis.
To learn more about safe and effective arthritis treatments and receive a free 7 day report, Best Ingredients to Stop Arthritis Pain, visit Healthy Arthritis Treatments
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Saturday, 11 April 2009
6 Tips For Heart Health Wellness
Forget about the hardest working man in show business. What about the hardest working organ in your body, your heart? It untiringly beats whether you are awake or asleep, pushing blood all over your body and supplying you with oxygenated blood. Do you take as good care with your heart as you need to?
For millions of people around the world, heart disease is a reality for which there is no cure. Did you know that bad health works with a domino effect once started? If you are at any risk for heart disease, there are six things you should do to ensure your heart health does not fall over onto the other dominoes.
1. A diet with high amounts of fats and cholesterol indicates your body will become fat and your heart at risk. Select a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy, whole grains and fish. Garlic can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Foods high in fiber help your body better remove it from the blood. Good fats- monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids- can assist in lowering blood pressure, reducing blood clotting, lowering cholesterol and develop the robustness of blood vessels.
2. Even if your diet that is not the healthiest, exercise can help you. It reduces stress, strengthens the heart, and conditions the lungs and muscles. Regular cardiovascular exercise will also help lower cholesterol, increase blood flow and keep excess weight away.
3. Herbal remedies such as valerian, hawthorne, and motherwort are active in improving heart functions. Hawthorne helps normalize blood pressure, whilst valerian calms anxiety and lessens blood pressure. The herb motherwort can lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
4. You can reduce heart risk by 50% in the first year alone by quitting the tobacco habit. Smoking raises blood pressure and causes blood clots, two things that seriously add to heart disease risk. Remove the nicotine and tar damage and reduce your heart health risks.
5. Scientists claim one glass of red wine per day is actually of assistance for your heart. However, unwarranted amounts of drinking can tighten the blood vessels, promoting further salt re-absorption, high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. If you must drink, limit yourself to one drink per day.
6. Stress may elevate blood pressure though constriction of blood vessels, forcing the heart to work more to pump healthful blood right through the body. Try yoga, visualization, biofeedback or more exercise to reduce stress. Decide on whatever solution that works best for your circumstances so you can relax.
Read more about blood pressure reducing and pericarditis at
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Reduce Your Body Weight Most Willingly
Your mind allowed it!
You know, you accumulated extra fat and tissues of all kinds in your body just by eating food, eating extra food.
Eating a little extra food over and above the requirement gets accumulated in your body day by day. In a matter of a few months, you could see that you have gained some extra weight. But you do not care about it. It is because you wanted to become a little chubby and showy. You wished to be so-your mind allowed it.
Your mind and you oppose!
This is the time when you can consider about a change in your way of food consumption. Your mind is willing to change. But, you are unwilling to change yourself; you are not co-operating with your mind.
When you continue eating in the same way, your body weight gets added to show that you are becoming obese and ugly. Now also, you can control and reverse the situation. But, your desire to eat more depresses the truth and allows you to eat with out any reservations. Your extra-desire over takes your minds analytical and decision making power.
Problems turn heaven into hell!
You have become obese and now your body weight is abnormally more and you have become ugly in others point of view. You started experiencing the problems of being obese physically. You think now, the time has past and it is beyond your control and eating could not be stopped. Again you prefer to allow your desire or negative side of your mind to take lead.
You know very well that at every fragment of time that passed, your desire to eat and your mind to allow your desire to take lead have ruled you. Now, your mobility within and outside your residence and work place, becomes a real problem.
All the happiness you enjoyed has turned against you. The heaven has turned into a hell.
You have started asking others to find out a solution.
Problem and Solution, all in you!
However, you have a problem and an apt solution within yourself. It is created by you. It can be solved by you. You know, how these joyful eating events now turned into a worrisome problem that devour most of your time daily.
1. You have been eating because you liked it.
2. You took eating as a routine job.
3. You made it a continuous process.
4. You took more of most liked by you.
5. You took more food more frequently.
Reverse Process:
1. You need to control your desire to eat; also to control your mind that allows your desire to eat.
2. You need to eat less-less frequently; give a lot of time gap in between.
3. You need to eat only selectively; eat only foods that do not add fats and tissues to your body; eat much less of most liked foods.
Do not worry; we are here to help you to turn the hell into heaven.
Now, strongly believe that you are going to reduce your body weight. You will become slender. You will become lovely. Only thing you need to follow your minds newer directions.
I shall make your inner sub-conscious mind to understand the problem and make a determination to do what ever necessary to make you slim, better and happier.
Please wait for the next article.
The author is a keen observer of business activities in his vicinity. The article is drawn from his own experiences and knowledge. He is a business strategist guiding young entrepreneurs. He is writing an ebook on Business Strategy for Success in Any Business or Job Seeking Activity.
Please visit How to Reduce Your Obesity
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Blitz Cellulite Successfully With These Top Tips
Getting rid of cellulite won't happen overnight but following these top tips will get you off to a flying start!
1. Get a Massage
Having a regular massage is great for improving circulation and lymphatic drainage which can, in turn, help towards improving the appearance of your skin. For the best results, go to a qualified practitioner.
2. Try body brushing
Cellulite is made even worse if there is poor drainage in fat cells. Body brushing helps to improve this drainage by increasing circulation and lymphatic flow. Body brush using long strokes towards the heart once in the morning and one more time in the evening for best results.
3. Moisturise
Moisturising will help to plump up your skin. Even better, using one of the many creams made especially for cellulite will give you much more positive results - they help to increase collagen and boost circulation. For the best results, combine the use of these creams with a healthy diet low in salt, saturated fat and sugar.
4. Drink plenty of water
Plump up your skin by drinking 8 glasses of water each day. This will help towards reducing any fluid retention which is caused by too much sodium in the body. When you don't feel like drinking water, try drinking herbal tea instead. This must be done everyday in order to notice a difference.
5. Stop smoking
This is imperative if you want to see an improved difference in your skin. Not only does it fill your body with toxins, but it actually stops your skins food supply. If you try any of the other tips listed here to improve your skins appearance but continue to smoke, those cigarettes will only hinder any progress.
6. Exercise
For great results, try resistance training and a cardiovascular programme on your bum and legs. Results are more likely to be achieved over a longer period of time but will be worth it!
With a little bit of time and effort you could soon be on your way to softer, smoother skin!
For a great way to help you blitz cellulite Click Here.
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Tattoo is An Art On Our Body
People have been enjoying the look of a tattoo and the attention that tattoos bring for many years. Ancient Egyptian history tells us that the Egyptians tattooed themselves for decorative symbolic reasons.
The past has found the primal remains of a man in the snow capped Swiss mountains. There were tattoos, which distinguished royalty, warriors and clans. Although there were some scandalous folk who were tattooed as, they could be recognized as such to the public of the day.
Tattoo as body art has been enjoyed by practically every civilization and culture in history down through the years. All these people had one thing in common; they appreciated the artwork of beautiful tattooing.
The reasons for getting a tattoo are as numerous as there are people who wear body art. Having your body displayed with the magnificent art of colorful tattoo, is a personal choice as is the tattoo you chose to adorn your body.
Some tattoo enthusiasts choose a tattoo because they just love the idea of being a walking masterpiece; their love for art is what leads them to decision to have body art displayed upon them. Others choose to have tattoos that show their relationship to certain things like butterflies and unicorns, as well as the soldier and seaman who want to display their pride of association to their chosen career.
There are bikers who revel in being a rebel, and well covered executives, too. Then there are gang members who reveal their member hood with pride. Actors, dancers and check out clerks who like to let slip a surprise every now and again. Some individuals or even large groups choose body art tattoo in honor of a loved one, or in remembrance of an occasion.
A tattoo is a very personal and permanent form of body art, making the decision to have a tattoo should always be because you really want it. Never have a tattoo done for anyone other than yourself and for your own reasons. Doing so allows you to enjoy your body art so much more.
Tattoos are known for their beauty and meaning. The art of tattooing expressed on a body carries much feeling. Bursting brilliant colors and shading of hues, or simply elegant blacks and grays. Living symbols of that which is in a heart, unless of course the tattoo was ill gotten by a drunk or even worse given by an uncreative artist.
People take notice, as it is impossible not to do. Nevertheless, tattoos also give us a small peek into the essence of a person who wears the body art. Tattoos are actually permanent inked in pieces along the story of the life of one who wears them. Tattoos are body art expressions of the personality.
Since tattoo pictures of color and location have meaning, it is wise to consider that there may be times when the wrong impression is taken by another individual. Before you bear it all, it is best to do a lot of thoughtful research into the colors and symbols that are expressed by tattooing.
Jack Lan is a Tattoo Expert who specialize in designing exclusive body tattoo designs and market them online. Visit his website to view 50,000 over tattoo design and remember to sign up for his newsletter to receive the latest tips on body tattoo for free.
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Natural Bodybuilding - The Way to Build a Great Body
Professional bodybuilding has gotten a bad rap in some places for steroids, but this is a shame because natural bodybuilding is the way to go from the amateurs to the semi-pros to some of the best professional bodybuilders in the world. Natural bodybuilding is using a smart natural diet heavy in both proteins and carbs, and using that diet in conjunction with special weightlifting routines designed at really working out related groups of muscles together. Instead of doing one set of chest exercises on three different days, you want to do multiple chest exercises at once on one day, then work out other parts of the body on other days, rotating as appropriate.
Natural bodybuilding is the best way to get healthy and build a great looking physique while not having to worry about the negative health effects of steroids and other unnatural supplements that could be hazardous for your health. Natural bodybuilding is wildly popular on every level of bodybuilding, and should be the route that every individual takes in trying to work out in order to get into better shape and build up a more impressive physique.
The most important thing to remember when trying to bulk up through natural bodybuilding is that hard work and a lot of food. The right type of natural bodybuilding workout to bulk up is one that involves heavier weight and less reps while combining that with a healthy diet that is loaded in protein and carbs to put on more muscle mass. The right foods are needed to provide the fuel and calories your body needs to build muscle mass. Great free weight exercises combined with the right diet are best.
No matter how fancy the machines look, natural bodybuilders know that despite what the yelling TV commercials say, nothing can beat the resistance training that comes from using free weights of all kinds. A huge array of exercises can be used with free weights, and some can even be combined for maximum effectiveness, like pushups that also use dumbbells to do triceps extensions at the end.
The next focus with natural bodybuilding is to exercise specific muscle groups together. Many popular exercises with natural bodybuilding not only include free weights like dumbbells and barbells, but also push ups, sit ups, pull ups, lunges, body weight squats, and other similar exercises. These natural bodybuilding workout sessions can last an hour or slightly more, and are often performed up to 4 times a week for maximum results. The carbs and protein are important for energy, calories to turn into muscle, and with protein to rebuild the muscles after all these heavy workouts.
This hard core workout can help people shed away the fat and put some heavy muscle getting into some great natural bodybuilding workouts. The best part of working out this way, the natural way, is that you don't have to worry about the unhealthy and potentially fatal side effects that can come from unnatural supplements.
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Friday, 10 April 2009
Top 10 Questions about Body Piercing
Body piercing has grown so much in popularity in recent years that it has become almost mainstream, with more and more people sporting navel rings and multiple ear rings. Facial piercings, surface piercings and lots of others to choose from can make things confusing. If you dont know what to expect when you decide to get a piercing, it can be even more intimidating. Here are some of the top questions people have about body piercing.
1. I want to get a body piercing. How much will it cost?
The cost of a body piercing varies depending on several factors, including where youre located, how close to a major city you are, and what kind of piercing youre having done. Generally the more difficult the piercing, the higher the cost. Keep in mind that you get what you pay for as well, so dont depend entirely upon cost to choose your piercer. If a piercer is charging significantly under the market cost in your area, he may be cutting corners in areas he shouldnt, such as sterilization and other safety procedures.
On average, the cost of piercings fall somewhere in these ranges:
- Ears (lobes, cartilage, etc.).....anywhere from $25-$50
- Navel...................................$45-$55
- Tongue.................................$45-$55
- Labret..................................$50-$60
- Eyebrow................................$40-$50
- Nipple...................................$45-$55
- Nostril..................................$45-$55
- Genital..................................$75-$100
2. Does it hurt?
In simple terms, yes. Does it hurt much? Most people will tell you, No, not really. Its usually more like a pinching or popping sensation than anything. The sensation of pain is relativesome people feel it more than others. The adrenalin rush of the piercing usually means the pain in minimal.
After the initial pain when the needle goes through the piercing, you may feel some dull pain or an aching sensation for a few hours, which can be relieved with an over the counter pain reliever. One piercing that does hurt a bit more than others is the tongue piercing, which will swell and be sensitive for a few days. Ice chips and popsicles will help soothe the pain of this kind of new piercing.
3. How long does it take a body piercing to heal?
The healing time for a body piercing varies depending upon what youve had pierced. Some parts of the body heal more quickly than others. For instance, if you pierce your earlobes, you can expect them to heal within two months and be ready for jewelry other than the original piercing jewelry.
The belly button is in an area that heals slowly, however, because its right where the body twists and turns, which slows the healing process. It also doesnt get as much air circulation because it is covered much of the time. It can take up to six months or even a year for a belly button piercing to heal completely.
Some general healing times are:
- Ear lobes..........6-8 weeks
- Cartilage...........4-8 months
- Eyebrow...........6-8 weeks
- Nostril..............3-4 months
- Septum.............6-8 months
- Labret..............2-3 months
- Tongue.............4-6 weeks
- Nipple..............4-6 months
- Navel...............5 months-1 year
- Genitals............6 weeks-6 months
The better you care for a body piercing, the more quickly it will heal, so be sure to discuss the proper care of your piercing with the piercing professional who does your body piercing to ensure a quick, clean piercing and you will heal in the least amount of time possible.
4. How can I tell if a piercing is infected, or its just normal healing stuff?
All body piercings will have some drainage during the first several days. This is because you have basically given your body a puncture wound, and your body will bleed for a while, and then have drainage of some fluids as it heals. These fluids are actually good for you, as they keep the area moist and clean and will wash away some of the dirt and germs that might otherwise stay in the area.
Bleeding should stop within a few hours or the first day and be only small amounts. Often it will look watery. Drainage will be mostly a clear, watery discharge, although it can sometimes be somewhat white in color. The drainage will form crusties around the jewelry that can be washed off with warm, soapy water when you clean your piercing each day.
A piercing is infected when the discharge is either green or yellow. Also, if the area becomes swollen or inflamed again after the initial swelling has subsided. Any time you see green or yellow pus or discharge; you should see a doctor and get appropriate medical treatment. It wont necessarily mean you have to remove your piercing; you may simply have to take a course of antibiotics. If the area becomes red and inflamed with red streaks radiating out from the area, see a doctor right away.
5. What should I look for in a good body piercing studio?
A good body piercing studio must first and foremost be clean, clean, and clean! The most common cause of infection is piercings is simple exposure to germs, so look for a piercing parlor that is very strict about its cleanliness and sterilization procedures. They should have a separate room where nothing else is done but piercings.
They should always have an operational autoclave, which is a wet steam sterilization unit that is to be used to clean and sterilize all tools and equipment used during piercing. They should also pierce only with single-use, disposable needles that are pre-wrapped. Ask them if this is what they use, and insist that the needles not be opened until they are actually ready to do your piercing so that you can confirm they are sterile-wrapped.
Look for experience and qualifications. Have all the piercers been through an apprenticeship program? If so, for how long did they train and where? Also make sure they are licensed to operate a piercing studio by their states department of health. In most states this is now mandatory. Also check the date to make sure it isnt expired. Finally, look for a certificate of membership in a professional society such as the Association of Professional Piercers, an organization that supports safe and professional piercing practices and offers extensive ongoing training.
6. Why cant I just pierce myself?
You can pierce yourself, but its not really a good idea. Its simply too hard to keep the area in your own home (or wherever you happen to be) clean and sterile enough. You also may have trouble lining up and placing a piercing squarely where you want it, and if you lose your nerve half-way through the piercing, youre stuck with it half done.
If you do it at home, youll probably do it on an impulse, which will mean you wont have the right tools. Piercing needles are incredibly sharp in order to reduce the pain and make a good, clean cut. No matter how sharp that sewing needle is at home, its not as sharp as a piercing needle, so it will hurt more, bleed more, and may not heal as cleanly.
7. What should I clean my piercing with?
Today most professional piercers agree that the best way to clean a fresh piercing is with a mild antibacterial soap. These should not contain perfumes or dyes, which can irritate a piercing and lead to discomfort or an allergic reaction. There are a few on the market that are specifically designed for body piercings, including Provon and Satin.
After cleaning, you should follow up with a sea salt water soak. Sea salt is available at natural health stores, piercing and tattoo studios and a variety of other stores. The sea salt solution helps soothe the area and draw impurities out of the wound to promote faster healing. H2Ocean is an excellent pre-mixed sea salt solution that can be sprayed on for ease of use. Its highly recommended by many professional piercers and is convenient especially if youre traveling or on the go.
8. What kind of jewelry should a piercing be done with?
A body piercing is, in the simplest terms, a puncture wound, so you want to use a high quality metal that wont react with your body chemistry to create an allergic reaction or contaminate the open wound.
Never use cheap or base metals to get a body piercing. The best metals to use are titanium or surgical steel, both or which are essentially inert and wont react with your body. In some cases, you can use high quality gold, but even this sometimes creates a reaction because of the nickel content, so do be cautious.
Once a piercing is completely healed, you have more leeway on what you can use, but if you are at all nickel sensitive, you will probably always have to stick with surgical steel and titanium for your body piercings, unless you are using alternatives such as glass, which is completely non-reactive and safe for nearly everyone.
9. What causes migration? Is it the same as rejection?
Rejection is a more severe form of migration. Migration is when a body piercing begins to move through the flesh because the body is trying to force it out of the skin and get rid of it. In some cases, the body only partially succeeds, and the piercing migrates so that it ends up being crooked or misaligned.
When the body completely forces a piercing out of the body, it is called a rejection, because the body has completely rejected the piece of jewelry, basically spitting it out. This is because any piercing jewelry is a foreign object that the body sees as an invader to be gotten rid of, especially if the piercing is poorly done so that the jewelry aggravates the skin tissues.
10. What if I want to become a professional piercer?
Behave responsibly. Visit a few piercing parlors that you know are top quality and ask about internship programs and other options. Order some videos that take you through the introductory steps of piercing and educate you on the process of proper preparation and sterilization. Many of the larger piercing websites offer these video series at a reasonable cost.
You should also take courses in first aid in blood borne pathogens and other illnesses that are commonly transmitted by needles. Many of these courses are offered through community colleges or local hospital extensions. The most important thing is to be fully trained and completely experienced in all manner of piercing before setting yourself up as a piercer on your ownboth for your own legal protection and the safety and well-being of those who come to you for body piercing.
The Association of Professional Piercers ( is an excellent source of information on how to get started as a professional piercer.
In Conclusion
Body piercing and wearing body jewelry should be an informed choice, not a snap decision. If you have been thinking about getting a body piercing, talk to others who have done the same and get their feedback. Ask them if they are happy with the results and for their suggestions on good piercing studios. Ask yourself if youre ready for the commitment to proper care and the expense of a body piercing.
Remember that a body piercing is a form of body modification that will affect how others perceive you. Obviously, this is part of the appeal for most people. However, the reactions will be mixed, and you should keep in mind that while some people will love it, others will not. So think through the consequences of body piercing thoroughly before you proceed. Then, if you decide its right for youfollow the tips above for a safe, attractive body piercing youll be proud to wear!
This article on the "Top 10 Questions about Body Piercing" reprinted with permission.
Copyright 2004 Evaluseek Publishing.
About the Author
Lori Wilkerson is a full-time freelance writer who loves her work because it gives her the opportunity to learn more about the world every day. Right now, she knows a little bit about almost everything, and a lot aboutbody jewelry,eyebrow rings, and labret jewelry. She has two dogs who are spoiled and one teenager who is not.
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Thursday, 9 April 2009
5 Natural Weight Loss Tips For Prime Results
Planning for natural weight loss is often just a matter of incorporating a few tricks and techniques into your lifestyle. It requires commitment to your weight loss plan. Here are some ideas that will help you to reach or maintain your desired weight.
Exercise is one of the most important components of a natural weight loss program. The act of exercising helps to increase the function of the circulatory system which carries the waste products such as fat cells out of the body. In addition, exercise improves the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and strengthens the lung function, especially if the exercise is aerobic in nature.
Good Nutrition
Good nutritional habits and understanding are absolutely vital to a natural weight loss regimen. A wide variety of foods chosen from each of the major food groups each day are the best way to make certain that the body is receiving all the vitamins, minerals and fiber that are required to support life. More than just subsisting, good nutrition helps to flush out the impurities in the system through the natural process of digestion. Adequate nutrition can be maintained even while dieting by reducing the portion size of the foods that you eat. Certain combinations of foods also help to melt pounds away.
Natural supplements are a component of a natural weight loss program that has been debated for years. Some natural substances help to break down foods in the body more effectively, others are instrumental in speeding up the metabolism so as to burn the foods more efficiently and leave fewer cells to clump together and form ugly pounds of fat. Critics of the use of supplements say that you should be able to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals in the foods you eat. In fact, a carefully chosen diet of foods as close to their natural state as possible contains a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals.
Gradual Implementation
Try not to overwhelm yourself by going on a crash program to lose weight. Even a natural weight loss program should be undertaken with care and only after reviewing your plans with the medical professional of your choice. Pick the things that you want to accomplish and set reasonable goals to accomplish those things. After all, chances are good that your weight did not suddenly balloon, but was added on a few pounds per week or month for a period of months or even years.
Drink Plenty of Water
Making sure your body remains hydrated is a key component of natural weight loss ideas. Water helps to flush out the toxins from the cells as well as the dead fat cells that would otherwise tend to clog your circulatory system. Drinking lots of water will also help you to feel full so that you won't have the desire to eat as much snack food. Adding lots of water to the foods you eat helps to moisten them so that they are utilized more effectively in the digestive system.
Regardless of the type of diet plans you have tried in the past, you will find the information about Natural Weight Loss ideas contained at are both accurate and comprehensive.
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Are Body Wraps a Scam?
What is a Body Wrap?
In the golden days, they were simply an ace bandage or saran wrap tightly wrapped around your body. However, with increases in science and technology, they are much more than just something to make you feel a bit slimmer.
Today, a body wrap is likely to be a treatment where you are lathered up in a rich mineral body mask of seaweed and other various botanical ingredients. And, depending on the treatment, could last anywhere from 15 minutes to 4 hours.
They are performed at many salons and day spas, and are becoming increasingly popular as a private, in-home treatment.
Are All Treatments the Same?
There are essentially two different kinds of wrap being sold by salons and retailers. Both types of treatment will cause drastic improvements in the healing, conditioning, and moisturizing of the skin. However, there is a radical difference between the two!
A 'Big Night' Treatment
This first type of treatment is particularly beneficial for a special occasion or a large event. It enables you to lose inches drastically through water loss. These can be particularly useful on an evening or weekend when you want to be looking your slimmest and fittest. However, the inch loss from this type of body wrap is strictly temporary, much like that which you would obtain in a prolonged session in a sauna.
A 'Permanent' Treatment
This other type of body wrap is known for its capabilities to aide in weight loss. This type of treatment creates inch loss by allowing the lymphatic system to successfully remove stored toxins. These toxins enter your system through the environment, poor dieting, and pollutants!
The permanent treatment also stimulates lymphatic drainage, which in turn, releases toxins and fatty acids from your cells. These toxins are then eliminated along with the system's natural waste process.
A tell-tale sign of this type of wrap is a necessary step in the instructions to 'drink water'. Your system needs this water to aide in the release of toxins, and without it, your body won't be able to perform this process properly.
The results from this type of treatment can vary depending on an individual's toxicity level; however, the inch loss obtained is often permanent.
So, are Body Wraps a Scam?!
The answer is absolutely not.
Experts agree that body wraps are great aides in losing stubborn weight, feeling good, and living healthy.
Body wraps can serve a variety of purposes, depending on a person's needs. If you have loose skin, a big event coming up, or are looking to lose those unwanted inches, there is a different treatment for you.
If you are tired of being overweight and want a solution to target those stubborn areas, and enable you to feel sexy again, check out: Weight Loss Body Wraps
Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the body wrapping industry.
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7 Stay Fit Travel Tips
I have been traveling on and off for the past two weeks. This week marks the last of our summer vacations and trips to visit family. I know first hand how being away from home can take a toll on your fitness regimen. Vacations are notorious for quickly packing on the pounds this summer. From road trips, to camping, to amusement parks, to visiting with family - each destination is filled with tempting food and drink as well as a change in our exercise routine. I have received several questions regarding the best plan to have in place to prevent a setback during the summer travel season.
Begin by considering if you would like to go into Maintenance Mode - just maintain your progress - or Results Mode - KEEP making progress. This will determine your plan of action as well as the level of commitment to your vacation eating and exercise plan.
Stay Fit Tip 1: Remember WHY you are going on Vacation. If the goal is to feel refreshed after you return, why abandon all of your healthy habits only to return feeling like you need to be a "slave" to your workouts in order to make up for all the weight you gained. No amount of eating or drinking is worth the effort it will take to remove those excess pounds. Make good choices while you are away and you will be more prepared to overcome any travel fatigue, so you return to your normal routine feeling rejuvenated!
Stay Fit Tip 2: Prevention is KEY In the long run, prevention is always better than the cure.
If you already know ahead of time that you will be practicing in some overindulgence, ,vamp up your exercise and eating habits NOW.The best part about this type of approach is that you have a deadline. This will help keep you motivated to stick as closely as you can to your FYM plan. If you have the time, begin 2 to 4 weeks prior to leaving. This gives you the opportunity to lose 4 to 8 pounds of fat - all before you leave! Allowing you more flexibility while you are away.
Stay Fit Tip 3: Meal Management Strategies The last thing you want to do prior to, during or after vacation is to not eat.If you choose to skip your meals, two wonderful things happen to your body. First, your metabolism slows down. Next since you brain thinks that you are starving it will tell your body to store any food that it does receive in the form of fat. Skipping Meals = Weight Gain! The best thing you can do for your body is to begin each day with breakfast and eat a supportive meal or snack every 3 hours. This in turn will fuel your metabolism, provide you with an abundance of energy and allow your body to burn more fat 24-7.
Stay Fit Tip 4: Plan your Splurges Just as I encourage you to plan your cheat meals with your everyday nutrition plan, you can do the same while on vacation. For instance, if you know you will be enjoying a bountiful lunch, avoid overindulging during breakfast. Instead make your other meals that day light and more supportive. Keep in mind that a typical restaurant entre is about 1500 calories - that does not include bread, appetizer or dessert. Keep your meals as healthy as possible, try your best not to over eat, and enjoy yourself by eating things you wouldn't get at home.
Stay Fit Tip 5: Avoid Fast Food It never fails, while on our way to our destination spot, we either find ourselves at the Starbucks or McDonald's in the airport or on the highway, taking in far too many calories before we even get there! Don't let this happen to you. You can get this junk food anytime. Save your vacation calories for more exciting and rare treats. Avoid the on-the-go temptations by making a point to eat something before you leave or pack some travel snacks such as almonds and dried fruit to help curb your appetite.
Stay Fit Tip 6: Get Moving The simplest and easiest fitness routine is right outside your door. On vacation there's no better time to enjoy the benefits of just moving more! Plan a to get out and watch the sunrise or sunset. The purpose of a vacation is to enjoy the amenities, sights, and sounds your destination has to offer.
Stay Fit Tip 7: Forget the GYM Yes, to avoid unwanted weight you have to exercise....but don't feel as if you need to spend your time in the hotel workout facilities or a slave to your regular workout routine. You'll just set yourself up to make excuses. You do not need any equipment to fit a fantastic fat burning workout into your vacation plans. All you need is a little space and your Body! Check out this routine -
Stay Fit Travel Workout
1. Y- Squats - 10-15
2. Push Ups - 10-15
3. Lunges - 8-10 each side
4. Burpees - 8-10 Perform this body weight circuit 3 to 4 times in a row with little to no rest between moves. Get an energizing workout in a mere 10 minutes or less! Body weight workouts are intense, burn tons of calories, plus they make you look and feel amazing while you are enjoying your vacation. Plan on fitting at 2-3 workouts in for each week you are away.
Your Stay Fit Travel Workout can be completed any where, anytime of the day.
Travel Workout Tips....Recap. Be sure to try out your travel routine at least once at home. Plan your workout for first thing in the morning (right before you shower)-- getting this out of the way gives you a positive frame of mind, allowing you to fully concentrate on your guilt-free vacation fun. Vacation and travel doesn't have to equal weight gain. You have the knowledge and tools to eat well and stay fit, all you have to do is follow through.
It's okay to indulge but don't abandon your healthy habits altogether. Try to take in all of the sites and events your vacation has to offer, spending time with the ones you love and enjoying time away from home. Wherever you go, whatever you do, have fun, relax, and enjoy your vacation!
Holly Rigsby, CPT, MAT America's #1 Fat Loss Expert for Busy Moms and the author of Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System and expert contributor at She has helped well over 500 Mom's lose the stubborn baby fat and get their pre-baby body back. Don't miss her Free Report: Top 5 Busy Mom Metabolism Boosters.
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What's the Best Way to Lose Body Fat?
Maybe the best way to lose body fat is aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise uses fat predominantly for fuel and it's safe and has some great heath benefits. Your goal should be to lose no more than 1 to 1 pounds per week, anymore than that you risk losing muscle and causing potentially dangerous health problems. When cutting back on calories make sure you're not cutting back on nutrition. When you reduce your calories make sure you're getting adequate protein, you want to lose weight, but not muscle.
Losing a pound of fat is equal to losing about 3500 calories. So that means you have to create a deficit of about 500 calories per day. Dieting alone tends to end in failure, as you cut back in calories your metabolism will slow down to adjust to the cutback. But dieting with regular aerobic exercise tends to be much more effective in keeping the metabolism consistent.
The questions I hear many times is "how can I lose stomach fat", or "how can you get rid of baggy arms", etc., the truth is you cannot spot reduce and eliminate fat from just certain areas of your body. You can however reduce overall body fat and lose weight, but your genes will determine from where, it's all hereditary. And yes, women tend to store fat more efficiently than men because it's needed during pregnancy and tend to lose it at a slower rate than men.
Aerobic exercising uses predominantly fats for fuel, thus enhancing the fat burning process. Aerobic exercise includes walking, bicycling, swimming, jogging, etc. anything that requires constant movement for 20 minutes or more. By doing safe and healthy exercise you'll keep your metabolism revved up and be much more likely to succeed in your weight loss efforts.
Tired of trying diet after diet trying to lose those extra pounds of body fat? Weight loss isn't difficult if you go about it the right way. Discover the secrets of how to lose body fat at
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Over Weight Body - Low Self Esteem
What so many people do not understand is that sometimes there are health issues, it isn't just a matter of eating the wrong things, or too much. You should have a physical and make sure there are no other problems, and then ask the Doctor for a healthy diet.
More people are feeling down on them self's to how they look. With today's celebrity's figures, all haven the sleekest sexiest bodies, this can leave the rest of normal society feel very over weight. More and more people are trying to have the same look as today's celebrities. It does not matter the age, the better your look the better your feel.
The self esteem issues come from not looking like you would like to look, and the general feeling of not feeling "good" extra weight makes doing even the normal everyday things difficult, and it tends to wear you out. You then feel bad because you feel this way - a vicious circle.
You can do a little research and find an exercise and diet plan online, something suited to you. You don't have to become a hardcore gym goer to get into shape and feel better about yourself. Getting into the shape being slim, it not that difficult, and it really depends on two things the kind of calories you intake, and how you burn the calories you intake daily.
With the right exercise program and diet, you can be in shape, looking slim and sexy feel good about yourself in no time.
Are you looking for a way to lose some weight and build up that self confidence you know you got inside of you? There are some very simple ways to lose weight now visit
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A Few Body Hair Removal Techniques That Are Popular
Body hair is a natural occurrence and all of us have it to some extent. But when you want to show off your body in professions like modeling it can look unpleasant.
In general if you wish to go the beaches or take a bath in a public pool, the body hair can get extremely embarrassing. In fact many people have excessive body hair which makes them hide their body always which is not desirable at all.
This is the reason why more and more people are visiting the beauty salons to get rid of their body hair. Many new and effective techniques have been introduced which allow you to remove hair permanently wherein the temporary methods are also available.
Initially women used to be concerned about body hair removal but now-a-days men are taking similar interest in doing so.
The most tried and effective method of body hair removal is waxing. This method is being used since ages and this is quite easy to be done at home. They pour the hot wax on the body parts where you feel you have a lot of unwanted hair and then the hair is ripped off with the help of a piece of cloth and the hair is removed from the roots.
Now this is a method where you will not get any side effects like dark marks or allergy etc. The other tried mode of body hair removal is shaving. This is a painless method but at the same time have the risk of cutting yourself. Moreover according to some people shaving will turn the areas coarse and hard which is not desired at all.
Plucking the hair is another process that you can not try yourself and you will have to visit a parlor for that. This is done with a thread and this is why you can also call it threading. There are various types of creams and lotions available which are rich in ammonia content and this is the reason why they will develop black patches on the body parts where you apply them.
The last and permanent method of hair removal is electrolysis which is done with the laser rays. The rays kill the roots of the hair almost permanently and you will not feel much pain. But the only constraint is money. The cost involved in this procedure is too high and this is the reason why not everybody can go for this. Women can use the prescription cream Eflornithine to remove the facial hair.
Theses are the common techniques which you can try to get rid of those unwanted body hair and flaunty your clean body without hesitation.
April Kerr owns website Hair Removal Zone which has details of where to buy cheap epilators and replacement Oster blades.
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How Does High Cholesterol Affect Body Systems? - Lower Cholesterol Tips
How does high cholesterol affect body systems? Cholesterol in and of itself, is a natural function of the human body. Every living being requires a certain amount of fat to exist to overall health and maintain body function. Like everything in nature, it only becomes a problem when there is an imbalance, and they affect to your body systems.
How does high cholesterol affect body systems? High levels of bad cholesterol in your blood stream may even prevent arteries from functioning at all, since cholesterol can actually lead to blockages in your arteries.
To understand how does high cholesterol affect body system, we must learn what is arteries and how does they can be affect by cholesterol? The job of your arteries is to pump blood. Each body system has arteries which are responsible for providing the oxygen rich blood that keeps us alive.
In a healthy person, as the heart beats, the arteries expand and are filled with blood. The heart relaxes and produces enough force to push the blood through. This system works effectively and the blood can carry oxygen and other essentials throughout the body.
High cholesterol levels fill the arteries with fatty deposits, thick substances that prevent your body from working well and this becomes a dangerous obstacle to good health. Your heart becomes starved of required blood. If this happens often enough you can suffer a heart attack or a stroke.
The main cause behind heart disease is this thickening of the fatty deposits in the arteries, and the main reason behind the blocking of arteries is high levels of bad cholesterol. This means that if you want to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes, you need to keep your cholesterol levels in a healthy range. No matter what your current health, eating a better diet and getting exercise can help keep you healthy.
Now, we have known how does high cholesterol affect body systems? So consider about this matter: Heart disease is one of the leading killers in the world. Lowering your cholesterol levels through a heart-healthy diet and exercise regimen is one of the best ways to prevent heart disease. Lowering cholesterol is actually quite simple, and doesn't require surgery or drugs with healthy lifestyle, lowering your cholesterol is easy since it helps normalize your cholesterol, naturally, safely and enjoy a better and possibly longer life. Read more : Lowering Cholesterol Naturally
(c) 2007 - Lower Cholesterol Center
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With Healthy Grains, Ensure Only Good Nutrients For the Body
The natural nutrients certainly have an edge over the ones that are consumed as supplements. This is further proved by the easier absorption of these nutrients in the body than the additional ones taken alongside the meals. The best way of intake of their nutrients is through food grains. However, it should be ensured that the food grains that are consumed should be totally organic and healthy.
At the time of cultivation on a large scale, to increase the output of the crop generally many harmful chemicals and fertilisers are used. However, the use of these unnatural products harms the grains and lowers the nutrient count in them. Also, the ill effects of these chemicals harm the body of people slowly but cause irreparable damage. Therefore to remove these ill effects, it is important to switch to such products which are completely natural and can cause no harm to the body.
It is through the organic grains that one can always be assured of the right nutrients reaching the body. Also, there are a variety of grains that are available so as to fulfill the needs of the body for various nutrients. Lentils are available which are gluten-free and therefore completely healthy. Polenta, chickpeas, linseed, millets, barley, popcorn, mung beans, soy beans, wheat grains, buckwheat, quinoa grain in red and white variety etc are also available easily now.
With approval from various agricultural and health organisations, these organic food grains can be consumed without any harm being done to the body. Any harmful effects can be averted since no pesticides, fertilisers or chemicals have not been used in their growth and processing. These foods have now become easily available since there are many companies now selling organic products. However, at time of purchase it is important to check the approvals of organisations which make sure the products are authentic.
Organic grains provide a lot of benefit to the body since they are pure nutrients and no other synthetic ingredients have been used in them. Research today and ensure good health for the complete family.
Janne Clarke is an expert on parenting, organic food and related items, who writes articles for numerous websites on parenting & gluten free products. For more of her articles on parenting, grains and baby care, please visit
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The Full Body Detox - Cleanse Your System and Refresh Your Spirit From the Inside Out
You may not be aware but people come in contact with hundreds even thousands of toxins just in every day life. You eat them, touch them, and even breathe them in. They are everywhere and many of them end up stored in our bodies. They are actually unable to be processed through the body because there is not enough of the nutrients and often times even enough water in the body in order to be processed and removed.
In these cases the body wraps to toxins and stores it in surprisingly fat and other tissue. As these toxins build you become more fatigued, you may find that you have muscle pains and aches, muscles will become tired faster and you will have a general lack of energy. This means that there is some fat on most people that is strictly there to protect your body from the toxins it was unable to remove.
These toxins and the lack of proper nutrients within the body can lead to a number of serious health problems. A full body detox can be the answer to feeling better as well as help you to lose weight. There are a couple of different ways that you can do detox. The first thing to remember about these is that they are designed to cover the entire body. When looking into detox programs you are going to want a program that is going to last for a period of time. You want to remove the toxins slowly from your body. Detox programs that attempt to move toxins through the body quickly can actually be quite unpleasant and cause their own set of problems.
In order to make a full body detox work for your benefit and not send you to the facilities or send you to bed feeling sick, you need to prepare your body. Make sure that it will work at a pace that will let your body recover its own flow. Nutrients are essential during a detox. You are going to want to make sure that you have more than just a multi-vitamin. There are a number of nutrients that aid the body in doing a detox. These can be purchase separately at any health food or nutritional supply store.
You should start taking these before you begin the detox in order to help build up what you are going to need in your body once you start. Next, make sure to wean yourself off junk food, caffeine and sodas. You may also want to work on any other habits just as tobacco use and cut back on any medications that are not seen as medically necessary. You may also want to increase the amount of water you drink.
You will want to look for a full body detox program that teaches meditation, deep breathing and techniques such as skin brushing as these are all elements of a full body detox.
John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook titled "Body Detox Tips". He is devoted to educate others on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the owner of the website called which provides complete and up-to-date information.
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Better Relationships - Four Tips to Active Listening
Life is very precious and has many benefits and gifts. The most important benefit of life is the opportunity to share in a loving relationship with one or more people. If a loving relationship is the chief benefit of life, the greatest gift in life is a close friend or two with whom you can share your most intimate thoughts and feelings. Still, effective relationships include both give and take; both talking and listening. Unfortunately, just about everyone is an expert at speaking, but only a few are good at listening. This article will discuss the basic fundamentals of active listening.
Four tips of active listening are:
Maintain eye contact - In the American culture, we value eye contact. When someone else is speaking, it is polite to maintain eye contact to show that you are listening. However, it should be noted that sometimes the listener can get so fixated on keeping eye contact that he or she fails to hear what the person is really saying.
Eliminate distractions. In order to have an intimate conversation, you must eliminate all distractions in order that you might listen intently to what the other person is saying. This means turning off the television, stereo or video game and setting aside the latest novel in order to give your spouse or friend your undivided attention.
Validate the person's words. The person's thoughts can be validated by summarizing what they share and feeding it back to them. For this to be effective, the feedback should be given without an air of judgment or commentary. When you state back to the person what you think she is attempting to say, she will feel treasured and will be open to share more of her life with you.
Ask relevant open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions are conversation killers. They are questions (e.g. yes or no questions) that are limited to one word answers. Open-ended questions that are relevant to the conversation will encourage the other person to discuss the matter more thoroughly. Good questions help to clarify what the other person is attempting to say.
Friendship is one the most precious gifts of life. Conversation is one important aspect of building meaningful friendships. Listening is a very important part of an intimate conversation. This article has discussed four tips of active listening.
Eric Coggins is the founder of Freedom of the Heart Group which seeks to promote the best possible life for all everywhere on the planet. Freedom of the Heart is a Christian faith-based organization that is attempting to elevate the value of human life around the world. For more information about Freedom of the Heart, please visit and its sister site
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